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Building Permits, Vehicle Sales Due Next Week



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Economic Lookahead

NFIB optimism index (Oct.)

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Economic Lookahead

Building Permits (Sept.) The total value of building permits in Canada decreased by $858.1 million (-7.0%) to $11.5 billion in August.

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Economic Lookahead

Consumer price index (Oct.)

Monthly U.S. federal budget (Oct.)

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Producer price index (Oct.)

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Economic Lookahead

Import price index (Oct.)

U.S. retail sales (Oct.)

Industrial production (Oct.)

Business inventories (Sept.)

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Economic Lookahead

CREA Stats (Oct.) Home sales recorded over Canadian MLS® Systems climbed 1.9% on a month-over-month basis in September, reaching their highest level since July 2023.

Wholesale Trade (Sept.) Wholesale sales fell 0.6% to $81.9 billion in August.

Monthly Survey of Manufacturing (Sept.) Total manufacturing sales declined 1.3% in August, largely on lower sales of primary metals as well as petroleum and coal products. The declines were partially offset by higher production of aerospace products and parts.

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