Cover Awe: Romantic Pink Shades, Comic Styles, & More

Welcome back to Cover Awe! This is where we discuss coves that we like or think are interesting.

The Phoenix Bride by Natasha Siegel. A soft peach cover with a blue, multi-storied house in the center. The borders contain illustrations of flowers in pink and yellow and blue leaves. There are silhouettes of a man and woman on each side of the house.

Cover design by Andrew Davis

Sarah: I think this cover is so cute.

The color scheme really works for me. I know from Lara’s review that the vibes of the cover do not match the story, but I still love the artwork.

Amanda: It’s a very romantic color palette.

Sneezy: I agree! I really enjoy this illustrative style!

Ever the Night Road by Michael Breen. A close up of the face of a blue porcelain doll. A bunch of cracks originate from the crown of her had and travel down her face. She's wearing a dark metal crown.

Cover design by Michael Breen

From Darlynne: I thought the cover of EVER THE NIGHT ROAD by Michael Breen was stunning, worthy of Cover Awe. And I’ve never heard of this book, it was a complete surprise. Did I buy it for the cover? OK, maybe. But the fantasy sounds good, too. Someone is a fabulous illustrator.


Wow that’s a beautiful cover.

Amanda: Love me a creepy doll, but I also like how the cracks on her face remind me of constellations.

Sneezy: WOW I’m terrified! The blood vessel like cracks and tendril of roots are so evocative!

Done and Dusted by Lyla Stage. The cover art style is like newspaper comics in halftone, where it looks like tiny dots make up a printed image. A man and woman, both with brown hair are embracing and kissing in a green field with mounts in the background. Both are wearing ranch attire.

Cover art by Austin Drake of Bottle Cap Creative

Sarah: Taking the “comic” cover literally.

I’m not sure how I feel about this cover, but I am intrigued by designers trying something very new, and very vintage at the same time.

Amanda: I really like these covers, probably because they are so distinct but also give a nod to classic clinches.

Sneezy: Awww, the vintage comic style is so cute! I like what the artist did with their lines!

The Heiress at Sea by Christi Caldwell. A man and woman are embracing on a ship. He has his blond hair tied away from his face and is wearing dark pants and a white billowing shirt. She is wearing a warm, peachy dress. Her red wavy hair is blowing behind her. The sky in the background is pink and orange due to either sunrise or sunset.

Cover design and photography by Juliana Kolesova

Amanda: I really like the warm colors of this one and the inclusion of movement/wind

Sarah: I have ponytail questions (as in, no ponytail I have ever worn has stood off my head like that. Is there a pipe cleaner in there?) but I agree. The colors are gorgeous.

Sneezy: I really enjoy the splash of water accentuating the movement in the cover and extending the flow of the text. Love a good swoosh!

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