Green Amazon expedition explores 'veritable treasure trove for discovering new biological actives'

Brazilian R&D development company Apoena Biotech has completed its pioneering Green Amazon expedition, a critical initiative to tap into the vast biotechnological potential of the Amazon Rainforest.

We spoke to Paula Jimena Segura Ramírez, Bioprospecting Laboratory Leader at Apoena Biotech, to learn more about the expedition and its findings. The expedition promises to introduce newly discovered ingredients into the cosmetics and personal care market and align with the industry’s increasing demand for sustainable, ethical, and high-performance formulations.

Green Amazon: expedition objectives

Segura Ramírez described the expedition’s mission as embodying the company’s dedication to “pioneering biotechnological products while preserving natural resources, fostering sustainability, and championing environmental responsibility within one of the world’s most diverse biomes.”

In its approach, Apoena’s objectives were clearly defined: the primary focus was on bioprospecting microorganisms from the Amazon Rainforest by identifying and isolating unique strains with the potential to significantly impact beauty product development on an industrial scale. These microorganisms are expected to lead to the creation of new actives for personal care and cosmetics, offering safer and more sustainable alternatives to synthetic chemicals, which can carry consequential environmental costs.

Another crucial objective was conservation. By establishing a microorganism bank, Apoena Biotech aims to minimize the need for continuous extraction of natural resources, thus contributing to the long-term preservation of the Amazon. Segura Ramírez emphasized that “establishing a microorganism bank facilitates the sustainable study and utilization of biodiversity, minimizing the need for repeated forest interventions.”

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