Links: Monster Romance, Crochet, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.Happy Wednesday!

Thank you to everyone who shared their summer recipes. I’ve put a few of them in the grocery queue.

In a personal news, we adopted a third cat! We got her from the same shelter where I adopted old man Linus seven years ago. They even showed me Linus’s old intake photo. He was definitely much plumper then.

There were so many wonderful cats, including a beefy black cat named Alcott who had thumbs. Seriously, he looked like a mini jaguar. I hope he finds a forever home.

While looking at a cute stray that was brought in, named Chunky Tuna, we heard this tiny chirping behind us. There, we saw a little Tortie lady who had the shelter name Loki. We have since renamed her Fig Newton, or Fig for short.

Quite a number of you sent this link to us about the boom of monster romances coming out. PamG said, “…I thought this was engaging but not too enraging.” That’s always good to hear when it comes to literary spaces covering romance trends.

Romance community member and a person whose pop culture commentary never misses, Morgan Jerkins, wrote about the prevalence of “trad wife” influencers and its juxtaposition to the erosion of women’s rights.

I was telling the Bitchery about the delight I took in telling my partner about the Sopchoppy Worm Gruntin’ Festival in Florida and Maya chimed in that the Oxford American had a great article on Florida worm charmers. I do love learning about weird and niche regional events and festivals.

The Instagram algorithm recommended Brochet to me, a fiber artist who makes “woolen weaponry.”

Don’t forget to share what cool or interesting things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!

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