New beauty-from-within supplement features ‘unique lower weight hydrolyzed collagen peptides’

Global demand for collagen supplements “is forecast to grow at a 6.4% CAGR and reach US$ 2.8 Billion in 2032,” according to market research firm Future Market Insights. To gain significant market share in the beauty from within category, industry companies are therefore committed to R&D efforts to spur innovation and produce effective products that meet the evolving demands of consumers.

One brand that is working to differentiate their beauty-from-within products from other currently available options is nutritional brand Designs for Health, which has recently launched its Whole Beauty Collagen supplement. Whole Beauty Collagen features a combination of biotin-, and silica-based, blended with hydrolyzed collagen peptides for a different approach to nutricosmetic support.

To learn more about Designs for Health’s Whole Beauty Collagen supplement, including how the ingredient formulation differs from other products currently available in the beauty from within space, we spoke to Cristiana Paul, MS, Product Development and Research Consultant and Ginger Downey, MS, CNS: Sr. Brand Manager, Designs for Beauty & Pharmacy, Designs for Health for their insights.

CDU: Can you explain the background behind the Lustriva blend used in the Whole Beauty Collagen product?​ 

Christiana Paul (CP)​: The Lustriva blend was not developed by DFH, but by a reputable ingredient supplier called Nutrition21. DFH has sourced this ingredient for use in its formulary products among many that offer various forms of silicon and biotin based on the manufacturer’s research and independent research on the bioavailability of these nutritional factors. 

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