Trump Confessed Election Was Rigged, Elon Helped Him Win

At a January 19th rally, Trump confessed the 2024 election was rigged and that Elon Musk helped him win. In the video above, watch Trump praise Musk,

“He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.”

In another confession during the January 19th event, Trump told the crowd how he gets to preside over the Olympics and World Cup:

“It’s only because they rigged the election that I’ll be your president representing you there.”

We Are All Jasmine Crockett

Rep. Jasmine Crockett is all of us, as she tweeted:

” So Trump is rambling on about he and Elon rigging the election?! Am I missing something or is he confessing to yet another damn crime?!”

As the world watched Leon give the Nazi salute, it was too late to do anything about Trump’s confession but file it away.

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