Donald Trump Thinks Sharknado Is Coming

Donald Trump is not well.

We’ve all known it for a while,. But sometimes it just jumps up and kicks you in the face. His rally in Las Vegas recently was one of those moments.

Trump just started freaking about sharks, batteries, boats, the point some in the MAGAfied crowd behind him began looking at each other, like “what the f*k?” And here’s the thing–we at Cliff’s Edge found footage from a year ago of Trump freaking about the exact same thing! We also remembered Stormy Daniels talk about how Trump was obsessed w/ watching “Shark Week.”

So, yep, he’s nuts. And, yep, he’s an idiot. But we don’t talk enough about hot unbelievably weird Trump is. I mean, ya know how he obsesses over water pressure in toilets & showers, never shuts up about it?

In any case, we made a video with the new footage, old footage and some other totally weird crap Trump’s said. Because it’s funny. As long as we ensure Trump never gets elected again.

So check out the video and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel, Cliff’s Edge, for more content like this!

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